Facial Mists & Why You Need Them

Let’s dive into what they are exactly! Facial mists are super versatile products! They can be used as a toner within your skincare routine or it can be sprayed before or after you apply makeup! Face mists refresh, tone, and restore your skin by adding hydration (this is the important part about them 😉)! And don’t even get us started on the importance of hydration! We can go on and on about that! But to put it simply, your skin needs to be properly hydrated for it to function correctly. Hydration is key to clear, happy, and healthy skin!
So, is it just glorified water? If it adds hydration, can’t I just spray water on my face? Nah, you don’t want to do that. Plus, these products aren’t just water. They’re packed with essential nutrients and ingredients that help balance your skin and add hydration. Think about it, ingredients like Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin C, Niacinamide, Glycerin and many other awesome ingredients that help the skin retain moisture, are all infused in there! 😍 Our FaceTory Artemisia Pore Refining Toner Mist contains 50% Artemisia which helps control oil production and keeps the skin balanced. And among other ingredients, it also has Glycerin and Niacinamide to help boost hydration and brighten the skin!
And in addition to the skin-saving benefits, it also functions as a little mood booster! If midday, you feel like your skin needs a bit of pick-me-up this is the best go-to product! It’s so handy when you’re hitting that 4 pm crash at work, or when you’re out and about with the sun in your face, or even when you’re just in a slump! It’s a great reset button because it just feels so rejuvenating. Trust us, we even have a few on our desks!
Bottom line: facial mists are great products and definitely help your skin get added benefits! We love them! But if you’re wondering if it’s an i-absolutely-positively-need-it-or-else-I’d-go-crazy kind of thing, then no it’s not like that to that extent! However, it definitely doesn’t hurt to have in your bag for those random moments when your skin feels tired, tight or dehydrated midday!
FaceTory Artemisia Pore Refining Toner Mist
A multifunctional toner/mist that provides your skin with nourishing and skin-balancing properties. This toner retextures the skin to feel soft, supple and well-hydrated!
Thanks for reading and just keep glowing!
FaceTory 💖